Blog & Learning Center

How To Efficiently Maintain A Reverse Osmosis System

A reverse osmosis system is a great option to improve water quality in your home. The water treatment system can easily be placed in a location where it won't disturb the natural order of things, and a high-quality system won't bother you throughout your ownership of...

Side Effects of Consuming Alkaline Water

Alkaline water is water that has a pH value higher than 7. To be more precise, water with pH in the 8-9 range can be called Alkaline water. There are several reasons why a water's pH value can go beyond the neutral range, including the ionizing process and the...

All You Need To Know About Dechlorinators

If you've ever been to a public swimming pool, then you know exactly how chlorine tastes. That's because public swimming pools have a higher content of chlorine to kill off any bacteria and germs that the swimmers bring into the pool. However, chlorine isn't only a...

9 Diseases Caused By Consuming Impure Water

America faces a massive water crisis; experts estimate that forty US states will encounter water shortages in the next few years. However, water shortage isn’t the only problem Americans face; the growing consumption of contaminated water is a rising cause of concern....

5 Industries That Need Pure Water

It’s a well-known fact that water bodies make around 71% of the earth’s surface. However, do you know that only 3% of the earth’s water reservoir is fresh water and is consumable? But even this freshwater contains contaminants that are removed through water filters....

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